In a recent interview with Haveeru Online, the Commissioner of Human Rights has expressed concern that members who are appointed to the 5-member Civil Service Commission are all men. Two female candidates proposed by the government were not confirmed by the parliament.
I am unable to understand if the Human Rights Commissioner is asking for a quota-based approach to have some number of women representing women on the Civil Service Commission(CSC).
I am under the impression that the Human Rights Commissioner is referring to the job market, discrimination in employment and differences in compensation.
Isn't there gender equality in Maldives, meaning men and women having the same rights and obligations, and everyone having the same opportunities in society?
I can understand there being some ingrained prejudice just like many other countries. But does that deprive women from fulfilling their full potential in terms of reaching higher ranks of public sector service? Is there discrimination in employment and compensation in Maldives because they are women?
Why aren't there more women contesting or being nominated on the basis of merit for posts of the commission when we have the talent?
The Civil Service must be managed by the best people and putting forward the best man or woman on the basis of merit to go through the process of nomination could solve this problem. If members are selected on this basis and not on the basis of throwing a dice, the civil service which is an important pillar will be served by the best people.
The Human Rights Commissioner has to make himself more clear. If there is injustice against women and only women can solve their problems, if that is what is alluded to, then we will find our society getting compartmentalised along those lines.
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1 comment:
You make an important point there. I agree with you.
- why do I find elder sister's hand tight in mummy's hand while younger brother walks freely on the road by mom's side? He can run, he can stop, look at few things and ask more questions.
- what part of her growing up makes even the most discipline girl accept it normal to be subjected to active and vocal harassments at work places? Why do females laugh for such remarks?
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