Monday, September 17, 2007

Enforcing Death Penalty

Islamic Democratic Party leader Umar Naseer has said that if he is elected president in the next election in 2008 he would impose capital punishment for drug offenders. He said that all locals and foreigners who are caught with proven evidence of using drugs would receive the death penalty.

Speaking to a reporter of Miadhu, he said that within a month of his election as president, social harmony will be reinstated.

These are lofty objectives even if it comes on campaign trail.

Social harmony is an important goal for a stable and better life for every citizen in society. It is the government's responsibility to create the conditions conducive for development of social harmony.

Social harmony does not come about when rulers of a country are focused to divide and rule, an outdated tactic still being used in some countries.

The death penalty is about ending a person's life and since it removes any chance of rehabilitation, careful consideration must given before carrying it out.

Singapore is one country that carries out death sentences where the appeal has been turned down, so its population knows precisely what will happen to them if they are convicted of murder or drug trafficking.

In most countries that practice capital punishment today, the death penalty is reserved as punishment for premeditated murder, espionage, treason, or as part of military justice. In some countries, sexual crimes, such as adultery and sodomy, carry the death penalty, as do religious crimes such as apostasy, the formal renunciation of one's religion.

In many countries that use the death penalty, drug trafficking is also a capital offense. In China human trafficking and serious cases of corruption are also punished by the death penalty.


Anonymous said...

I support the death penalty for drug traffickers. I think that it is a necessary deterant for the good of society at large.

Anonymous said...

What about death penalty for corruption?

mhilmyh said...

Hello anonymous reader

I support the highest punishment for corruption. I am not sure what level of corruption would warrant death.

I don't support death penalty for drug users. They need treatment and community support to kick the habit.

For people who traffic more than a certain amount, I support the death penalty as a deterant for the good of society as mentioned by Shihab here.

Anonymous said...

I support deal penalty for drug traffickers.

Simon said...


I think you've misread what Mr. Umar Naseer said. He said he would impose the death penalty for drug "traffickers" not drug "users".


mhilmyh said...

Hi Simon.

I'm glad death is meant for traffickers and not users despite what is reported.

I took what he said as reported on Miadhu.

Simon said...


I read the Dhivehi version here.

Miadhu is infamous for insanity in news reporting. Just read the headline of the Dhivehi news clip and what is said in the first paragraph.

Someone at miadhu must be on this same shit Umar is talking about.

mhilmyh said...

Thanks Simon

On an issue so important as the death penalty, I did not believe that there could be such irresponsibile reporting.

Simon said...

On the whole we are but an irresponsible nation.

Anonymous said...

Death penalty for drug trafficking may help.

Making sure every school leaver knows what it means to become drug addicted and its consequence is something we should and can do first.

Like Simon suggests we seem are bit lacking in taking responsibility - could we allow our legal system to take care of something as heavy as ending a life?

mhilmyh said...


You have brought up an excellent point. Can we trust our justice system to mete out the death penalty? We wouldn't have been in this mess if our justice system didn't fail us big time.

So the challenge is to fix up the justice system, healthcare, housing, cleaning up drugs and every broken social system.

That's quite a challenge, but we can't give up. If don't act now to clean up drugs, one-third of our younger generation would be lost to addiction. We cannot accept that. The deterant has be as high as death for importing, trafficking and killing our children.

I take death penalty very seriously, but for people who import and profit in trafficking to kill our youger generation, they deserve to pay the ultimate price, death.