Friday, August 12, 2011

Gangs and Looters to Blame

Britain has begun to pick up the pieces of the violent anarchy that took hold of their cities. Terrified communities experienced unprecedented scenes of mob violence, with homes and businesses going up in flames. Senseless looting and theft carried out mostly by young people with no specific demands defies logic and every social value. An 11-year-old girl is among the 1,500 arrested in four days of rioting and violence in Britain, police said Thursday.

Britain is an advanced nation and has a strong tradition of welfare culture. Prime Minister David Cameroon cut short his vacation and recalled parliament from recess. Looking for the root cause of the mayhem, the prime minister told the parliament: "There are pockets of our society that are not just broken but, frankly, sick. For me, the root cause of this mindless selfishness is the same thing that I have spoken about for years. It is a complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society, people allowed to feel that the world owes something, that their rights outweigh their responsibilities, and that their actions do not have consequences."

As reported in VOA News, Geography Professor Chris Hamnett, of King’s College, lives in North London, not far from some of the worst rioting. He said:

"Essentially, what we've seen is rioting for fun and profit. This is not people expressing their anger against an oppressive state," said Hamnett. This is people thinking it would be nice to get a slice of the action.”

In other words, the looters set fire to buildings just to see how it looked like. It seems these youth live in a different world from law abiding citizens. They have no regard for other people's property. It is repulsive to see criminals robbing from and injured person while lying on the road needing help.

The breakdown of the traditional family unit has made it difficult for many single parents to provide the love and discipline children need growing up. These children grow up believing they can do whatever they wish to do without any consequence. This is the result of physical and emotional chaos at dysfunctional homes. On top of the chaos from broken homes, when governments are unwilling or when they fail to take stern action against drug traffickers, drug abusers and criminals gangs who thrive on such chaos- the result is in the words of prime minister David Cameroon, pockets of not just broken but sick society.

A social segment of this first world economy has gone morally bankrupt.


Anonymous said...

not just the first world. you'll find the same thing here in maldives. pockets of sick society.

Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

The one thing that is common among MDP hardcore supporters and British Conservative party supporters is that they are blind that their center-right Thatcherist policies create the so-called "sick" elements of society. In this way, how is Anni, David Cameron and Maumoon any different? When disaster strikes, run away from responsibility. That's what you guys are good at!

mhilmyh said...

Hi Hilath

1.From what is so far reported, the UK riots, looting and theft is organised criminal activity with no political agenda.

2. The new right policies of Thatcher in 1980s deregulated business, dismantled the welfare state, and clamped down on unions. These policies have contributed to the state of poverty and the jobless underclass. The more liberal and welfare policies that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown introduced could be under pressure for change under the conservative prime minister David Cameroon.

3.If the MDP govt. is following the Thatcher right conservative policies, the gap between the rich and poor will still continue to grow as has happened in the UK. That will create a new set of problems just as daunting as the problems left behind by the last govt after 30 years.

Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

Hi Hilmy,

I definitely won't agree to point 1 but I am definitely in agreement with point 3.

For a moment there I thought you too had been charmed to the point by Conservative policies that like most Maldivians I come across these days, they seem to be somehow in awe of the so-called "center right" policies.

This just convinces me how much ordinary Maldivians are suffering from a lack of information. While it is heartening to see such issues discussed in English on individual blogs like this, perhaps the same issues discussed in Dhivehi will be far more far-reaching. However, I have yet to see any mainstream media like Haveeru cover any real issues, much less bring us "specialist" coverage of issues, especially relating to the economy. So I guess for ordinary Maldivians not enlightened on matters of the economy, things like this will be mostly lost on us.

In that sense I am much heartened by Maldives' blogs that discuss economic issues. Keep them coming!

Thanks and have a nice day!


mhilmyh said...

Hi Hilath

I do not support the right wing policies that the conservatives in UK and the republicans in US adopt-i.e., less regulations for business, tax breaks for the rich to create more business(which did not happen as we saw in US in 2008), the market knows best etc etc.

When I posted this piece, regardless of the underlying reasons, the looting, and the theft is wrong n needs to be condemned. A national debate has begun in Uk to address the underlying causes of bad and irresponsible behaviour.

Some of the same underlying problems such as lack of proper education, proper parental care and community support, lack of proper role models on personal responsibility- Maldives, too faces these same problems.

Politicians from our two main political parties are only interested in their personal interest. They have no real agenda to advance society, provide proper education and meaningful opportunities for the youth- sadly some of the youth turn to gangs and crime as the easy way out. Our society faces quite serious problems.

Amidst all this chaos, the world economy now faces grave risks, and Maldives too will be affected.

Thanks for your comments and cheers.