Monday, March 03, 2008

Tragic deaths reflect a bigger problem

Five people between the ages of 20 to 24 from one family in Thaa Diyamigili have died while carrying out some work in the junction at the fish market in Male'.

While every newspaper has carried this tragic news, there are no details of who assigned work to them, under what conditions and what are the safety precautions that should have been taken if such measures are at all followed in Maldives. What the journalists reported is the drama that unfolded following this accident and as in many cases in Maldives the truth will never come out and we will not learn anything from this incident.

I wonder weather this incident will be raised in our parliament.

In their youthful zest and ignorance, some Maldivians risk their lives without taking the basic precautions such as checking the air quality of the junction well or wearing protective goggles before going down the well. As we see in this case, the consequences are fatal. While so much work is going on in Maldives, our Government has not mandated safety for workers and they do not run safety awareness programmes to educate the public.

We have lost our work ethic and our interest is only to make money. Our Government has to show urgency to protect our society and we do not have to wait to lose lives before regulations of safety are enforced.


Anonymous said...

The real tragedy is that the rest of this accursed country had not followed into that well. Had they, the world would have been free of this useless place called Maldives and its criminal inhabitants.

Anonymous said...

it was not a junction well. it is a water well.