Friday, November 30, 2007

Malaysia's balancing act under pressure

Ethnic Indians mainly Tamils in Malaysia that constitute eight percent of the total population of 27 million but control just 1.5 percent of the economy are dissatisfied that they do not get equal racial privileges.

The Malaysian Indian community also alleged that access to housing, education, financial loans and jobs is given to Malays on a preferential basis. The recent destruction of Hindu temples by the Malaysian government has further inflamed the ethnic Indians' grievances. The declaration by some politicians that Malaysia is an Islamic country has also created problems for freedom of worship.

The 25 November 2007 civil disobedience organized by Tamils in Malaysia against their discrimination and marginalization by the Muslim dominated government represents a significant milestone in their long struggle for equal and democratic rights. The demonstrations in which hundreds and thousands of Tamil converged in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur was a rude shock to the government who has given preferential treatment to the ethnic Malay Muslims.

The Malaysian police crushed a rally of more than 10,000 ethnic Indians who were protesting against marginalisation and also to support a $4 trillion lawsuit filed in London in August by Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), a rights group demanding that Britain compensate Malaysian Indians for bringing their ancestors to the country as indentured laborers and exploiting them.

Chief Minister M Karunanidhi of Tamil Nadu, homeland of the Indian Tamils has written a letter to Prime Minister Manomhan Singh, expressing deep concern at the treatment meted out to ethnic Indians in Malaysia. The chief minister has urged Prime Minister Singh and the central government to take appropriate action to end the sufferings and ill treatment meted out to Malaysian Tamils.

It looks like Malaysia's Tamil problems have spilled over its border and gained support from India.


Unknown said...

TechFun has left a new comment on the post “Al-Jazeera”:

MG: First, have you ever seen unbiased evidence of Al Jazeera falsifying reports? I have not. Second, have your politicians ever lied to you before? In my case in the USA, I cannot say yes.

So far for me, Al Jazeera has a better track record for honesty than the US Government.

MG has left a new comment on the post “Al-Jazeera”:

dear Techfun,

thank you for your comment. i wish to state that I am not claiming Al Jazeera is falsifying news.

All i want is the truth.

Now, let me give you a sample of what i mean.

This is what Al Jazeera has claimed.

and now, this is what malaysian media says(watch till the end)

Clearly someone is telling lies here.

If Al Jazeera is not liying, they better start defending their point. else i would be forced to sue Al Jazeera to get the real truth out of everyone.

please note that i still have faith that Al Jazeera follows their Code of Ethics. But the whole country of malaysia has declared them as liers.

so tell me, how am i to accept, trust or use any information from Al Jazeera if my country declared them as liers ?

TechFun has left a new comment on the post “Al-Jazeera”:

MG: i watched both videos and I don’t see any conflict. I did notice that on the second one, BEFORE the English portion, the footage was all of cheerful peaceful protesters with no evidence of the people sprayed with water or soap or whatever that was. And the person from the government kept contradicting himself about allowing protest and the protest being illegal. He seemed to refuse to give a clear answer.

Not speaking whatever language was being spoken on the early part of the video its hard for me to judge, but nothing in the Al Jazeera coverage seemed to be at odds with the video footage shown on both videos. The second video just seemed to stay away from that whole part of the protest where the police intervened.

MG has left a new comment on the post “Al-Jazeera”:

good, now have a look at this news.

quote :

Describing the coverage as biased, unfair and confusing to people living overseas, he said he would write to the station stating that the Government was aware of what the station was trying to do.

now thats what i call as a hard slam impact right on the face of Al Jazeera.

And being a fan of Al Jazeera you are now marked as a fan of Al Jazeera, the satellite television station that is biased, unfair and confusing the people.

MG has left a new comment on the post “Al-Jazeera”:

they make use of Al Jazeera, took their video, edited it (with or without authorization), made the demonstration to look calm, and finally claim Al Jazeera to be a big lier and actors.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.