Saturday, November 17, 2007

Challenging the male dominated hierachy

For too long women in Maldives have been held back from holding important positions in the political hierachy. Often the reasons cited are of tradition and culture, and relatively few women seek or are selected for public office. The percentage of women in government and politics does not correspond to their percentage of the population.

In order to increase participation by women in the political process, women are taking the lead now. The first women attorney general Azima Shukoor and other prominent DRP women, including minister for Presidential affairs Aneesa Ahmed, walked out of the Special Majlis building yesterday when the speaker of the constitutional assembly rejected a measure to boost the number of females in parliament.

While more women are joining the job market and other professions, Maldives remains a very male dominated society. While the modern women are self-reinventing in the public service and private industries, the men it seems still falter when it comes to advancing women to be self-sufficient.

Old traditions will die hard but it is time for men to realise that women can no longer be held back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Demand for women to work for economic gain just stresses, everyone's presssured to work even harder for private sector dominated (capitalist) states.