Monday, March 29, 2010

A Great Lesson in Grit and a Record for Endurance

Nanyang Technological University(NTU) Singapore went the extra mile to raise funds for their students. NTU's 218 km ultramarathon was run round Singapore Sunday to celebrate its 55th anniversary. The total distance equal to 5 marathons is Singapore’s longest run and it raised $218,000 for the school’s bursary fund.

Physics teacher Yong Yuen Cheng, 38, was the fastest finisher in a time of 31 hours, 28 minutes and 51 seconds. Five out of the nine core runners finished the awesome distance within the cut off time of 36 hours.

This is a classic case of no-pain, no-gain moment. It's the mind over matter. It's the remarkable ability of the human spirit to transcend the limitations set by the mind- pain and suffering in this case. Toenail problems, blistered feet, a hurt knee, strained left quadriceps and diarrhoea were just some of the challenges that Yong Yuen Cheng overcame to complete the 218km gruelling feat without any sleep.

Despite the risk of injury, what drives relentless runners to do these ultra-distances and challenge their physical limits?

One of the nine core runners representing the NTU alma mater is MediaCorp Chinese news editor 56-year-old Lim Nghee Huat. Lim is no stranger to the marathon scene and has conquered miles in Brazil and Jordan. During the the three month period of training for this event, Lim said, "As daunting as it may seem to some, Mr Lim has these words of encouragement to those who are keen to take up the challenge.

He said: "I think from time to time, we should redefine the boundaries of our limits. If we don't try, we won't know what our limits are."

A fitting reply to the above question also comes from Yong Yuen Cheng when he said, "I do endurance races to let people know that no matter how ordinary you are, you can do something extraordinary."

While the NTU can immortalise the unwavering determination and perseverance of the core runners and the support group who helped runners endure the arduous ultramarathon, this feat also holds loads of positives and inspiration for everyone else, especially for those wishing to excel in their chosen path of life, be it sports, education or any other field.

"Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up." American ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazez.

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