Wednesday, March 04, 2009

"Zero Tolerance" against illegal drugs

During the campaign for the presidential election, candidate Nasheed now president has said that some of the people will not be in all of their senses all the time. His view is that some of the people will take some kind of drug seeking the high once a day or once a week. He believes that 'zero tolerance' of drugs does not work and it is better to control the hard drugs and determine which soft drugs can be allowed under the law. The conservative party of the United Kingdom, who advises Nasheed takes a lenient view of soft drug offences in the UK.

For thirty years we were governed by the Gayoom government and some of their most powerful people had no conscience. These people were sociopaths driven also by their narcissistic feelings- the deadly combination of traits that was found on people who committed history's most horrendous crimes against humanity. The Gayoom government did not allow fire arms into the country because such arms could have been used to bring down their government. This same government kept their eyes closed to the illegal drug trade. By not allocating the manpower and resources to stop the illegal drug trade, they allowed their henchman and officials to make tons of money while addicting our youth. The Nasheed government should not play this hypocritical game.

If president Nasheed feels that some soft drugs are OK, he should get the Islamic ministry to determine what soft drugs are allowed in Islam, even on medical grounds. The public should be informed very clearly on what is allowed, how it is allowed and what is not allowed.

If all intoxicants are prohibited in Islam, then president Nasheed needs to get his act together and exercise the political will to stop the illegal drug trade. The price of inaction is too great for our country and our future generations.


Anonymous said...

President uses drugs

Anonymous said...

Soft Drugs

Anonymous said...

i think the Nasheeds notes were on the subject of treating addicts and not providing publicly soft drugs to who ever wants to have a puff or sip?