Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Overdosing on expresso

Too much of anything can be harmful. So it is with coffee. A 17-year-old waitress Jasmine Willis, drank seven double-espressos during the course of her shift at her dad's sandwich shop in Stanley, Co Durham, England.

Customers there began to notice the difference.

"My nerves were all over the place," she said yesterday. I was crying in front of the customers and had tears streaming down my face. I was drenched and burning up and hyperventilating. I was having palpitations, my heart was beating so fast and I think I was going into shock.

The teenager went too far and got rushed to hospital suffering from an overdose.

According to the British Coffee Association, drinking a daily cup or three may reduce liver diseases and stave off Alzheimer's but caffeine stimulates the heart and central nervous system and may temporarily increase blood pressure and raise cholesterol levels.

So beware of the dangers of pumping too much caffeine into the body.

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